Micro-needling involves using a pen shaped device with tiny sterilized needles that are inserted into the skin. These small wounds cause your body to make more collagen and elastin, which heal your skin and help you look younger. You may also hear this procedure called collagen induction therapy. This minimally invasive skin rejuvenation treatment is designed to improve the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles as well as scars on the face and body.
Skin Resurfacing & Rejuvenation

PRP stands for Platelet Rich Plasma. This Micro-needling procedure uses the Platelet Rich Plasma from your own blood to increase your collagen and elastin within your skin. First, blood is drawn from your arm and put into a machine to spin out the plasma. The plasma is then worked into your skin with the micro-needling device. This procedure is ideal for crepey and textured skin.
This laser treatment precisely ablates the outer layer of skin to reveal the underlying skin that is smoother and younger looking. This treatment also activates collagen to promote further tightening of the skin.
An IPL uses the power of broadband light to improve the appearance of sunspots, rosacea, age spots and skin texture. This treatment can also be used to alleviate acne.
- Full Face – $350
- Full Face and Neck – $450
- Chest – $300
- Hands – $150
Deep micro-needling radio frequency technology used to tighten skin and improve texture. Frequent treatments with Scarlet can help improve fine lines, wrinkles and crepiness, and help prevent the need for early face face and neck lifting. Heat is introduced into the skin through controlled needle punctures without damaging the skin surface to help remodel unhealthy collagen resulting in tighter, firmer skin.
- Face, Neck and Chest – $850
- Hands/Arms – $750
Specially designed needles are used to target deep, medium or superficial fat. The heat produced stimulates collagen and tightens based on the depth of energy delivered below the surface. The energy causes a localized injury that heals very quickly and keeps the surface intact. This treatment can improve the fat accumulation around the eyes, define the jawline and improve your double chin.